Selling your home with Michael Soer.

Your Independent Real Estate Agent.

Buying and selling real estate has changed dramatically.  Everyone is an expert, with pundits appearing on all the home and garden channels.  And let’s not forget about the Internet – overloaded with websites, blog postings and social media.  Yes, there’s a lot of information out there, but in the end, clients have the same old questions, and not enough good answers.

I’m an Independent Real Estate Agent with ROYAL LEPAGE (Canada’s largest), and I’m here to provide the answers my clients need to make well informed buying and selling decisions.

My focus is on satisfying my clients – with my selling skills; my market knowledge; and my expertise.

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When to sell your property is always a concern.  The truth is, there is no pat answer – factors are unique to each and every client.  As your agent, I help you to understand YOUR market:  the inventory of homes selling in your neighborhood; comparable homes/comparable prices on the market; historical sales and purchases; even seasonal considerations (winter, spring or summer).  It all makes for a sound strategy.

For my clients selling and/or buying at the same time, there’s an obvious dilemma.  But again, I can provide the answers that bring clarity to the decision making process.  For example, it may not be necessary to wait for the proceeds of your sale in order to buy – with the right kind of bridge financing, the process can become quite seamless.  Most importantly, I won’t let my clients get into a panic situation.

One of the toughest areas of discussion for any real estate agent is the selling price.  I prepare a detailed comparative market analysis for my clients, with up-to-date statistics and current local market activity. Together, we evaluate and assess the relevant data, and agree on a proposed listing price based on a realistic projection.  My objective is always to establish a convincing and credible price.

The question of an open house is also important, as it represents an intrusion for the homeowner. This is an option I definitely recommend, and one that has proven effective as part of an overall marketing effort.  It’s a focused opportunity for both purchasers and agents to view the property at leisure, and it creates a “buzz” by spreading the word quickly and efficiently.  In short, the more exposure, the better.

I’m often asked about staging, fixing-up, and even renovating, prior to sale.  Let’s face it - the better the property looks, the better it can be presented.  And some efforts are essential:  basic repairs; simple fixes; proper cleaning; and serious de-cluttering!  Almost every one of my clients is surprised and amazed with what they see after a good sprucing up.  The work is well worth it, very often bringing the desired results.

Needless to say, there are many more questions and queries.  I try my best to cover every aspect of the selling process with my clients - answering all questions, and dealing with subjects that might not have been previously considered.  As your agent, I’m providing a sales approach that is ultimately designed to sell your property.  After all, I earn my living from my clients.

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